And God will generously provide all you need Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Recently separated after 30+ years of marriage, Client A reached out to RESET to "start from square one". Reared in the age where husbands are expected to manage all of  the finances, Client A was left with no savings and leftover debt from her husband. "Square One" consisted of creating a budget for her income, prioritizing building her savings, and creating a new behavioral mindset to help curb her spending habits, and redirect those funds to her savings account through "The Transformation" program.


client A


client b

Client B utilized RESET's services to help create a savings strategy to purchase their first home. They previously paid down a considerable amount of debt, and was diligently saving money, but wanted to know how they could manage their monthly funds better. RESET did an audit of their current bills, suggested payment strategies that provided a breather between paychecks, and provided recommendations of how to use their untapped assets that they hadn't considered  to pay off even more debt. RESET created a "done for you" budget and Client B is now ready to "put down their down payment" on their first home. 

"My credit's been bad longer than you've been alive." Client C was convinced that there was nothing that could be done to turn their credit score around after years of bad decisions. RESET performed an income/spending audit on their finances and obligations, and provided recommendations on how to check his credit scores, etc. RESET helped Client C manage his funds for approximately 6 months, paying off large debts and bringing his credit score into the 800's.


client c

Client D simply needed a tool to manage her money as she transitioned from debit card swipes to cash-based budgeting. The Navigation Dashboard helped her identify her fixed expenses vs. variable expenses, create savings goals and recoup missed savings opportunities, and allowed her to visually see where she was spending her money.


client d